A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T 


P&T Power Company

Wayne Henneck
Mill Manager
Pope & Talbot, Inc.
30480 American Drive
Halsey, OR 97348
Telephone: 541-369-1188
Fax: 541-369-2841

Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Andrea Clatterbuck
Director, FERC Electric Proceedings
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
300 Lakeside Drive
Oakland CA, 94612
Telephone: 415-265-6326
Email: Andrea.Clatterbuck@pge.com

Matt Plummer
FERC and ISO Relations
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
300 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, CA 94612
415 973-7226
Email: Matt.Plummer@pge.com

Pacific Northwest Generating Cooperative

Jessica Matlock
President and Chief Executive Officer
Pacific Northwest Generating Cooperative
711 NE Halsey
Portland, OR 97232-1268
Telephone: 503-288-1234
Fax: 503-288-2334
Email: jmatlock@pngcpower.com

Craig Silverstein
March Counsel LLC
1201 Connecticut Avenue NW
6th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: 202-640-2100
Email: craig.silverstein@marchcounsel.com


Ryan Flynn
Vice President & General Counsel
825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000
Portland, OR 97232
Email: ryan.flynn@pacificorp.com

Rick Vail
Vice President, Transmission
825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1600
Portland, OR 97232
Email: richard.vail@pacificorp.com

Palmer’s Creek Wind Farm, LLC

Kate Carlton
Fagen, Inc.
501 W. Highway 212
P.O. Box 159
Granite Falls, MN 56241
Telephone: 320-564-5392
Email: KCarlton@fagenic.com

Thomas A. Jensen
Stinson Leonard Street LLP
50 South Sixth Street, Suite 2600
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Telephone: 612-335-1500
Email: tom.jensen@stinson.com

Palo Alto County Wind Farm, LLC

Thomas Wind
1639 320th Street
Jamaica, Iowa 50128
Tel: 515-370-2896
Email: tomwind@netins.net

Phillip J. Sundblad
49106 100th Avenue
Albert City, Iowa 50510
Tel: 712-299-5806
Email: pjsundblad@gmail.com

Palo Duro Wind Energy, LLC
Palo Duro Wind Interconnection Services, LLC
Peetz Logan Interconnect, LLC
Peetz Table Wind, LLC
Pegasus Wind, LLC
Pheasant Run Wind, LLC
Ponderosa Wind, LLC
Pratt Wind, LLC

Gunnar Birgisson
Senior FERC Counsel
NextEra Energy Resources, LLC
801 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Suite 220
Washington, D.C. 20004
Telephone: 202-349-3494
Email: gunnar.birgisson@nee.com 

Palouse Wind, LLC

Hallie Flint Gilman
Associate General Counsel
First Wind Energy, L.L.C.
129 Lincoln Street, 3rd Floor
Portland, MA 04101
Telephone: 207-228-6887
Fax: 207-221-1605

PanCanadian Energy System, Inc.

Jeff Davis
Director - U. S. Legal
1200 Smith, Suite 900
Houston, TX 77001
Telephone: 713-331-5048
Fax: 713-331-5008
Email: jjarvis@pcenergy.com

Panda Hummel Station LLC

Creed Williams
Managing Director
Panda Power Funds
5001 Spring Valley Road, Suite 1150 West
Dallas, TX 75244
Telephone: 972-361-1331
Email: cwilliams@pandafunds.com

Robert P. O’Connell
Chief Compliance Officer
Panda Power Funds
103 Squires Drive
West Chester, PA 19382
Telephone: 484-266-0283
Email: boconnell@pandafunds.com

Panda Stonewall LLC

Creed Williams
Managing Director
Panda Power Funds
5001 Spring Valley Road, Suite 1150 West
Dallas, TX 75244
Telephone: 972-361-1331
Email: cwilliams@pandafunds.com

Robert P. O’Connell
Chief Compliance Officer
Panda Power Funds
103 Squires Drive
West Chester, PA 19382
Telephone: 484-266-0283
Email: boconnell@pandafunds.com

Panoche Valley Solar, LLC
Pleasant Hill Solar, LLC

Paul Varnado
Assistant General Counsel
RWE Clean Energy, LLC
353 N. Clark St., 30th Floor
Chicago, IL 60614
Tel: (312) 358-9873

Alison Gardner
General Counsel
RWE Clean Energy, LLC
1401 East 6th St., Suite 400
Austin, TX 78702
Tel: (512) 517-1732

Parkway Generation Keys Energy Center LLC
Parkway Generation Sewaren Urban Renewal Entity LLC

Jason Buchman
General Counsel
Alpha Generation, LLC
700 Louisiana Street, Suite 4200
Houston, TX 77002
Tel: (832) 219-0704
Email: jbuchman@alphagen.com

Jeanna T. Simeone
General Counsel
ArcLight Capital Partners, LLC
200 Clarendon Street 55th Floor
Boston, MA 02116
Tel: (617) 531-6300
Email: jsimeone@arclight.com

Parkway Generation Operating LLC

Jason Buchman
General Counsel
Alpha Generation, LLC
700 Louisiana Street, Suite 4200
Houston, TX 77002
Tel: (832) 219-0704
Email: jbuchman@alphagen.com


Jeanna T. Simeone
General Counsel
ArcLight Capital Partners, LLC
200 Clarendon Street 55th Floor
Boston, MA 02116
Tel: (617) 531-6300
Email: jsimeone@arclight.com

Partridgeville Road Solar 1, LLC

Kevin P. Malcarney
Senior Vice President & General Counsel
Clearway Energy, Inc.
300 Carnegie Center, Suite 300
Princeton, NJ 08540
Telephone: 609-608-1515
Email: kevin.malcarney@clearwayenergy.com

Gretchen Schott
Senior Regulatory Counsel
Clearway Energy Group LLC
1200 Smith Street, Suite 600
Houston, TX 77002
Tel: 346-293-7088
Email: gretchen.schott@clearwayenergy.com

PATH Allegheny Transmission Company, LLC

Olenger Pannell
Vice President
Compliance and Regulated Services
and Chief FERC Compliance Officer
FirstEnergy Service Company
76 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44308
Work: 330-384-2454
Cell: 330-436-1460
e-mail: pannello@firstenergycorp.com

Morgan E. Parke
Associate General Counsel
FirstEnergy Service Company
76 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44308
Telephone: 330-384-4595
Fax: 330-384-3875
Email: mparke@firstenergycorp.com

PATH West Virginia Transmission Company, LLC

Olenger Pannell
Vice President
Compliance and Regulated Services
and Chief FERC Compliance Officer
FirstEnergy Service Company
76 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44308
Work: 330-384-2454
Cell: 330-436-1460
e-mail: pannello@firstenergycorp.com

Morgan E. Parke
Associate General Counsel
FirstEnergy Service Company
76 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44308
Telephone: 330-384-4595
Fax: 330-384-3875
Email: mparke@firstenergycorp.com

Pattern Energy Management Services LLC

Meghan R. Gruebner
Senior Counsel, Operations
1088 Sansome Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
Telephone: 586-260-4354
E-mail: meghan.gruebner@patternenergy.com 

Patton Wind Farm, LLC

Averill H. Conn
Associate General Counsel
Vitol Inc.
2925 Richmond Avenue, 11th Floor
Houston Texas 77098
Telephone: (713) 230-1049
Email: acn@vitol.com

Zarim Imam
Compliance Officer
Vitol Inc.
2925 Richmond Avenue, 11th Floor
Houston Texas 77098
Telephone: (713) 230-1037
Email: zti@vitol.com

Paulding Wind Farm II LLC

Meredith Berger Chambers
General Counsel
EDP Renewables North America LLC
808 Travis Street, Suite 700
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-265-0350
Email: meredith.chambers@edpr.com

Paulding Wind Farm III LLC

Meredith Berger Chambers
General Counsel
EDP Renewables North America LLC
808 Travis Street, Suite 700
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-265-0350
Email: meredith.chambers@edpr.com

Paulding Wind Farm IV LLC

Meredith Berger Chambers
General Counsel
EDP Renewables North America LLC
808 Travis Street, Suite 700
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-265-0350
Email: meredith.chambers@edpr.com

Pawtucket Power Associates Limited Partnership

Ian Sanchez
Vice President, Corporate Development
Maxim Power Corp.
1210, 715 - 5 Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2P 2X6
Tel: (403) 750-9305
Fax: (403) 263-9125
Email: isanchez@maximpowercorp.com

Jamie Urquhart
Vice President, Operations
Maxim Power Corp.
1210, 715 - 5 Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2P 2X6
Tel: (403) 750-9301
Fax: (403) 263-9125
Email: jurquhart@maximpowercorp.com

PDI Canada, Inc.

Phillip M. Mikulsky
Senior Vice President-Development
Wisconsin Public Service Resources
677 Baeten Road
Green Bay, WI 54304
Telephone: 920-496-9000
Fax: 920-496-9399
Email: pmikuls@wpsr.com

PDI New England, Inc.

Phillip M. Mikulsky
Senior Vice President-Development
Wisconsin Public Service Resources
677 Baeten Road
Green Bay, WI 54304
Telephone: 920-496-9000
Fax: 920-496-9399
Email: pmikuls@wpsr.com

Peak Energy, Inc.

Steven Bench
Executive Vice President
Peak Energy, Inc.
2291 East Cottonwood Lane
Holladay, UT 84117
Telephone: 801-274-2934
Fax: 801-274-0987

PEC Energy Marketing, Inc.

Mark Leaman
Vice President, Energy Management
SkyGen Energy LLC
650 Dundee Road, Suite 350
Northbrook, IL 60062
Telephone: 847-559-9800 ext 313
Fax: 847-559-1805
Email: mleaman@skygen.com

PECO Energy Company

Max Minzner
VP & Deputy General Counsel
Exelon Corporation
701 Ninth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20068-0001
Telephone: (202)934-4740
Fax: (202)331-6767
Email: max.minzner@exeloncorp.com

Pedricktown Cogeneration Company LP

Julie D. LaBella
835 Hamilton Street, Suite 150
Allentown, PA 18101
Telephone: 610-601-0424
Fax: 610-601-0586
Email: julie.labella@talenenergy.com

Debra L. Raggio
117 Oronoco Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Telephone: 703-778-0841
Fax: 610-601-0586
Email: debra.raggio@talenenergy.com

PEI Power LLC, PEI Power II, LLC

Edward Taibi
General Counsel & Executive Vice
Archaea Energy
4444 Westheimer Road, Suite G450
Houston, TX 77027
Telephone: (917) 439-2104
Email:  Etaibi@archaea.energy

Michael Braverman
Assistant General Counsel
Archaea Energy Inc.
4444 Westheimer Road
Suite G450
Houston, TX 77027
Telephone: (215) 816-1736
Email:  mbraverman@archaea.energy

Pennsylvania Electric Company

Robert R. Mattiuz, Jr. P.E.
Vice President, Compliance and Regulated Services and Chief FERC Compliance Officer
FirstEnergy Service Company
76 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44308
Telephone: 330-384-2407
Email: rmattiu@firstenergycorp.com

Morgan E. Parke
Associate General Counsel
FirstEnergy Service Company
76 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44308
Telephone: 330-384-4595
Fax: 330-384-3875
Email: mparke@firstenergycorp.com

Pennsylvania Power Company

Olenger Pannell
Vice President
Compliance and Regulated Services
and Chief FERC Compliance Officer
FirstEnergy Service Company
76 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44308
Work: 330-384-2454
Cell: 330-436-1460
e-mail: pannello@firstenergycorp.com

Morgan E. Parke
Associate General Counsel
FirstEnergy Service Company
76 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44308
Telephone: 330-384-4595
Fax: 330-384-3875
Email: mparke@firstenergycorp.com

Penobscot Bay Energy Co., L.L.C.

Christian A. Herter III
Penobscot Bay Energy Co., L.L.C.
25 Merganser Way
Freeport, ME 04032
Telephone: 207-865-4554
Fax: 207-865-1833
Email: cherter@ime.net

People's Electric Cooperative

Randy J. Ethridge
Executive Vice President & General Manager
People's Electric Cooperative
1130 West Main Street
Post Office Box 429
Ada, OK 74821-0429
Telephone: 580-332-3031 ext. 638
Fax: 580-436-0229
Email: pec@peoplesec.com

John W. Hudson
Manager of Operations
People's Electric Cooperative
1130 West Main Street
Ada, OK 74821
Telephone: 580-332-3031 ext. 632
Fax: 580-436-0229
Email: jhudson@peoplesec.com

Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC

Jennifer Petrisek
Senior Attorney
Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC
375 N. Shore Drive, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Telephone: 412-208-6834
Email: Jennifer.Petrisek@peoples-gas.com

Jeffrey S. Nehr
Vice President Business Development
Peoples Natural Gas Company LLC
375 N. Shore Drive, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Telephone: 412-244-2588
Email: Jeffrey.s.nehr@peoples-gas.com

Pepco Energy Services, Inc.

Carrie Hill Allen
Senior Vice President 
& Deputy General Counsel, Regulatory and Compliance Constellation Energy Generation, LLC
101 Constitution Ave., NW, Suite 400 East Washington, DC 20001
Telephone: 202-637-0344
Email:  carrie.allen@constellation.com

Mason Emnett
Senior Vice President, Public Policy
Constellation Energy Generation, LLC
101 Constitution Ave., NW, Suite 400 East Washington, DC 20001
Telephone: 202-637-0351
Email:  mason.emnett@constellation.com


Perrin Ranch Wind, LLC
Pima Energy Storage System, LLC
Pinal Central Energy Center, LLC

Joel D. Newton
Senior FERC Counsel
NextEra Energy Resources, LLC
801 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Suite 220
Washington, D.C. 20004
Telephone: 202-347-7126
Email: joel.newton@nee.com

Peterman Solar II, LLC

Jennifer A. Hein
General Counsel
Clearway Energy Group LLC
5780 Fleet Street, Suite 130
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Telephone: 760-710-2187
Email: jennifer.hein@clearwayenergy.com

Gretchen Schott
Senior Regulatory Counsel
Clearway Energy Group LLC
1200 Smith Street, Suite 600
Houston, TX 77002
Tel: 346-293-7088
Email: gretchen.schott@clearwayenergy.com

PG Power Sales One, L.L.C.

Jeffrey L. Klinger
Vice President and Secretary
Peabody Holding Company, Inc.
701 Market Street, Suite 600
St. Louis, MO 63101
Telephone: 314-342-7790
Fax: 314-341-3419
Email: jklinger@peabodygroup.com

PG Power Sales Three, L.L.C.

Jeffrey L. Klinger
Vice President and Secretary
Peabody Holding Company, Inc.
701 Market Street, Suite 600
St. Louis, MO 63101
Telephone: 314-342-7790
Fax: 314-341-3419
Email: jklinger@peabodygroup.com

PG Power Sales Four, L.L.C.

Jeffrey L. Klinger
Vice President and Secretary
Peabody Holding Company, Inc.
701 Market Street, Suite 600
St. Louis, MO 63101
Telephone: 314-342-7790
Fax: 314-341-3419
Email: jklinger@peabodygroup.com

PG Power Sales Five, L.L.C.

Jeffrey L. Klinger
Vice President and Secretary
Peabody Holding Company, Inc.
701 Market Street, Suite 600
St. Louis, MO 63101
Telephone: 314-342-7790
Fax: 314-341-3419
Email: jklinger@peabodygroup.com

PG Power Sales Six, L.L.C.

Jeffrey L. Klinger
Vice President and Secretary
Peabody Holding Company, Inc.
701 Market Street, Suite 600
St. Louis, MO 63101
Telephone: 314-342-7790
Fax: 314-341-3419
Email: jklinger@peabodygroup.com

PG Power Sales Seven, L.L.C.

Jeffrey L. Klinger
Vice President and Secretary
Peabody Holding Company, Inc.
701 Market Street, Suite 600
St. Louis, MO 63101
Telephone: 314-342-7790
Fax: 314-341-3419
Email: jklinger@peabodygroup.com

PG Power Sales Eight, L.L.C.

Jeffrey L. Klinger
Vice President and Secretary
Peabody Holding Company, Inc.
701 Market Street, Suite 600
St. Louis, MO 63101
Telephone: 314-342-7790
Fax: 314-341-3419
Email: jklinger@peabodygroup.com

PG Power Sales Nine, L.L.C.

Jeffrey L. Klinger
Vice President and Secretary
Peabody Holding Company, Inc.
701 Market Street, Suite 600
St. Louis, MO 63101
Telephone: 314-342-7790
Fax: 314-341-3419
Email: jklinger@peabodygroup.com

PG Power Sales Ten, L.L.C.

Jeffrey L. Klinger
Vice President and Secretary
Peabody Holding Company, Inc.
701 Market Street, Suite 600
St. Louis, MO 63101
Telephone: 314-342-7790
Fax: 314-341-3419
Email: jklinger@peabodygroup.com

PG&E Dispersed Generating Company, LLC

Sanford L. Hartman
Vice President and Associate General Counsel
PG&E National Energy Group
7500 Old Georgetown Road, Suite 1300
Bethesda, MD 20814
Telephone: 301-280-6800
Fax: 301-280-6913
Email: sanford.hartman@neg.pge.com

PG&E Energy Trading-Power, L.P.

Sanford L. Hartman
Vice President and Associate General Counsel
PG&E National Energy Group
7500 Old Georgetown Road, 13th Floor
Bethesda, MD 20814
Telephone: 301-280-6800
Fax: 301-280-6913
Email: sanford.hartman@neg.pge.com

Philbrow Inc.

Michael D. Young
Vice President and General Counsel
Philbro Inc.
500 Nyala Farms
Westport, CT 06880
Telephone: 203-221-6175
Fax: 221-6790
Email: youngm@philbro.com

Piedmont Green Power, LLC

Jonathan W. Gottlieb
Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP
700 Sixth Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20001-3980
Telephone: 202-383-0866
Fax: 202-637-3593
Email: jonathangottlieb@eversheds-sutherland.com

Nicholas A. Galotti
Senior Vice President – Operations
Atlantic Power Corporation
3 Allied Drive, Suite 155
Dedham, MA 02026
Telephone: 617-977-2710
Fax: 617-977-2401
Email: ngalotti@atlanticpower.com

Pikes Peak Solar Garden I LLC

Kevin P. Malcarney
Senior Vice President & General Counsel
Clearway Energy, Inc.
300 Carnegie Center, Suite 300
Princeton, NJ 08540
Tel: 609-608-1515
Email: kevin.malcarney@clearwayenergy.com

Gretchen Schott
Senior Regulatory Counsel
Clearway Energy Group LLC
1200 Smith Street, Suite 600
Houston, TX 77002
Tel: 346-293-7088
Email: gretchen.schott@clearwayenergy.com

Pine Island Holdco LLC

Kevin P. Malcarney
Senior Vice President & General Counsel
Clearway Energy, Inc.
300 Carnegie Center, Suite 300
Princeton, NJ 08540
Telephone: 609-608-1515
Email: kevin.malcarney@clearwayenergy.com

Gretchen Schott
Senior Regulatory Counsel
Clearway Energy Group LLC
1200 Smith Street, Suite 600
Houston, TX 77002
Tel: 346-293-7088
Email: gretchen.schott@clearwayenergy.com

Pinnacle West Marketing & Trading Company

Antoine P. Cobb
Manager, Federal Regulation
Arizona Public Service Company
P.O. Box 53999, M. S. 8995
Phoenix, AZ 85072-3999
Telephone: 602-250-3547
Fax: 602-250-2873
Email: antione.cobb@aps.com

Timothy F. Bolden
Associate General Counsel
Pinnacle West Capital Corporation
P.O. Box 53999, M. S. 8695
Phoenix, AZ 85072-3999
Telephone: 602-250-3541
Fax: 602-250-3393
Email: timothy.boldin@pinnaclewest.com

Pinnacle Wind, LLC

Gretchen Schott
Senior Regulatory Counsel
Clearway Energy Group LLC
1200 Smith Street, Suite 600
Houston, TX 77002
Tel: 346-293-7088
Email: gretchen.schott@clearwayenergy.com

Kevin P. Malcarney
Clearway Energy, Inc.
Senior Vice President &
General Counsel
300 Carnegie Center, Suite 300
Princeton, NJ 08540
Telephone: 609-608-1515
Email: Kevin.Malcarney@clearwayenergy.com

Pio Pico Energy Center, LLC

Rob Witwer
General Counsel and Senior Vice President
Southwest Generation Operating Company, LLC
600 17th Street, Suite 2400S
Denver, CO 80202
Telephone: 303-623-2786
Fax: 303-825-3341
Email: witwerr@southwestgen.com

David Rhodes
Senior Vice President- Business Development and Asset Management
Southwest Generation Operating Company, LLC
600 17th Street, Suite 2400S
Denver, CO 80202
Telephone: 303-623-2772
Fax: 303-825-3341
Email: rhodesd@southwestgen.com

Pioneer Trail Wind Farm, LLC

Paul Varnado
Assistant General Counsel
RWE Clean Energy, LLC
353 N. Clark St., 30th Floor
Chicago, IL 60614
Tel: (312) 358-9873

Alison Gardner
General Counsel
RWE Clean Energy, LLC
1401 East 6th St., Suite 400
Austin, TX 78702
Tel: (512) 517-1732


Pioneer Prairie Wind Farm I, LLC

Meredith Berger Chambers
General Counsel
EDP Renewables North America LLC
808 Travis Street, Suite 700
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-265-0350
Email: meredith.chambers@edpr.com

Pittsfield Generating Company, L.P.

Ian Sanchez
Vice President, Corporate Development
Maxim Power Corp.
1210, 715 - 5 Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2P 2X6
Tel: (403) 750-9305
Fax: (403) 263-9125
Email: isanchez@maximpowercorp.com

Jamie Urquhart
Vice President, Operations
Maxim Power Corp.
1210, 715 - 5 Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2P 2X6
Tel: (403) 750-9301
Fax: (403) 263-9125
Email: jurquhart@maximpowercorp.com

PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.

Thomas DeVita
Assistant General Counsel
PJM Interconnection, L.L.C
2750 Monroe Boulevard
Audubon, PA 19403
Telephone: (610) 635-3042
Email: FERCeService@pjm.com

Steven R. Pincus, Esquire
Associate General Counsel
PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
2750 Monroe Boulevard
Audubon, PA 19403
Telephone: 610-666-4370
Email: steven.pincus@pjm.com

Plains End, LLC

Carol Faucher, Esq.
Tyr Energy, LLC
7500 College Boulevard, Ste. 400
Overland Park, KS 66210
Telephone: 913-754-5734
Fax: 913-954-5701
Email: cfaucher@tyrenergy.com

Jonathan Gottlieb
Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP
700 Sixth Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20001-3980
Telephone: 202-383-0866
Fax: 202-637-3593
Email: jonathangottlieb@eversheds-sutherland.com

Plains End II, LLC

Carol Faucher, Esq.
Tyr Energy, LLC
7500 College Boulevard, Ste. 400
Overland Park, KS 66210
Telephone: 913-754-5734
Fax: 913-954-5701
Email: cfaucher@tyrenergy.com

Jonathan Gottlieb
Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP
700 Sixth Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20001-3980
Telephone: 202-383-0866
Fax: 202-637-3593
Email: jonathangottlieb@eversheds-sutherland.com

Plans End, LLC

Sanford L. Hartman
Vice President and Associate General Counsel
PG&E National Energy Group
7500 Old Georgetown Road, 13th Floor
Bethesda, MD 20814
Telephone: 301-280-6800
Fax: 301-280-6913
Email: sanford.hartman@neg.pge.com

Pleasants Energy, LLC

Jessica H. Miller
Vistra Corp.
1005 Congress Ave., Suite 750
Austin, TX
Tel: (512) 349-6402

J. Arnold Quinn
Vistra Corp.
325 7th Street, N.W., Suite 520
Washington, DC 20004
Tel: (202) 628-4524

Pleasants LLC


Plum Point Energy Associates, LLC

Jeffrey Delgado
Senior Vice President
Starwood Energy Group Global, L.L.C.
Five Greenwich Office Park
2nd Floor
Greenwich, CT 06831
Telephone: 203-422-7719
Fax: 203-442-7821
Email: jdelgado@starwood.com

Madison F. Grose
General Counsel
Starwood Energy Group Global, L.L.C.
Five Greenwich Office Park
2nd Floor
Greenwich CT 06831
Telephone: 203-422-7714
Facsimile: 203-442-7814
Email: grosem@starwood.com

Plum Point Services Company, LLC

Jeffrey Delgado
Senior Vice President
Starwood Energy Group Global, L.L.C.
Five Greenwich Office Park
2nd Floor
Greenwich, CT 06831
Telephone: 203-422-7719
Fax: 203-442-7821
Email: jdelgado@starwood.com

Madison F. Grose
General Counsel
Starwood Energy Group Global, L.L.C.
Five Greenwich Office Park
2nd Floor
Greenwich CT 06831
Telephone: 203-422-7714
Facsimile: 203-442-7814
Email: grosem@starwood.com

Plumsted 537 LLC

Jessica Woelfel
Corporate Secretary
Ormat Technologies, Inc.
6140 Plumas Street
Reno, NV 89519
Telephone: (775) 398-4305
Email: jwoelfel@ORMAT.COM

Pomona Energy Storage 2 LLC

Jessica Woelfel
Corporate Secretary
Ormat Technologies, Inc.
6140 Plumas Street
Reno, NV 89519
Telephone: (775) 398-4305
Email: jwoelfel@ORMAT.COM

Portland General Electric Company

James A. Ajello
Senior Vice President, Finance CFO, Treasurer, & Corporate Compliance Officer
Portland General Electric Company
121 SW Salmon Street, 1WTC1715
Portland, OR 97204
Telephone: (503) 464-2723
E-Mail: jim.ajello@pgn.com

Nichole Lloyd
Analyst & FERC Compliance
Portland General Electric Company
121 SW Salmon St. 3WTC0407
Portland, OR 97204
Telephone: 503-464-2141
Email: Nichole.Lloyd@pgn.com

Portland Power, LLC

Mark Kubow
Middle River Power LLC
200 West Madison, Suite 3810
Chicago, IL 60606
(312) 766-4564

Brant Yung
Director – Asset Management
Middle River Power LLC
200 West Madison, Suite 3810
Chicago, IL 60606
(312) 766-4564

Portside Energy LLC

Matthew P. Speer
Primary Energy Recycling Corporation
Manager- Environmental, Health & Safety
2215 South York Road, Suite 202
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Telephone: 630-560-4219
Email: mspeer@primaryenergy.com

Post Oak Wind, LLC

Meredith Berger Chambers
General Counsel
EDP Renewables North America LLC
808 Travis Street, Suite 700
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-265-0350
Email: meredith.chambers@edpr.com

Post Rock Wind Project, LLC

Meghan R. Gruebner
Senior Counsel, Operations
1088 Sansome Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
Telephone: 586-260-4354
E-mail: meghan.gruebner@patternenergy.com 

Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline, LLC

Olenger Pannell
Vice President
Compliance and Regulated Services
and Chief FERC Compliance Officer
FirstEnergy Service Company
76 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44308
Work: 330-384-2454
Cell: 330-436-1460
e-mail: pannello@firstenergycorp.com

Morgan E. Parke
Associate General Counsel
FirstEnergy Service Company
76 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44308
Telephone: 330-384-4595
Fax: 330-384-3875
Email: mparke@firstenergycorp.com

Potomac Edison Company

Kathryn L. Patton
Deputy General Counsel
Allegheny Energy Service Company
800 Cabin Hill Drive
Greensburg, PA 15601
Telephone: 724-838-6603
Fax: 724-830-6797
Email: kpatton@alleghenyenergy.com

Joseph H. Richardson
The Potomac Edison Company
800 Cabin Hill Drive
Greensburg, PA 15601
Telephone: 724-838-6952
Fax: 724-838-4245
Email: jrichal@alleghenyenergy.com

James R. Haney
Vice President, Compliance and Regulated Services
FirstEnergy Service Company
76 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44308
Telephone: 330-384-2454
Fax: 330-384-3788
Email: jhaney@firstenergycorp.com

Morgan E. Parke
Associate General Counsel
FirstEnergy Service Company
76 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44308
Telephone: 330-384-4595
Fax: 330-384-3875
Email: mparke@firstenergycorp.com

Potomac Electric Power Company

Max Minzner
VP & Deputy General Counsel
Exelon Corporation
701 Ninth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20068-0001
Telephone: (202)934-4740
Fax: (202)331-6767
Email: max.minzner@exeloncorp.com


Potomac Energy Center, LLC

Noah M. Ehrenpreis
c/o Ares Management Corporation
Three Charles River Place
63 Kendrick Street
Needham, MA 02494
Email: nehrenpreis@aresmgmt.com

Mark C. Williams
Heather L. Feingold
Mayer Brown LLP
1999 K Street NW
Washington DC 20006
Telephone: (202) 263-3070
Email: MarkWilliams@mayerbrown.com
Email: hfeingold@mayerbrown.com

Potomac Power Resources, LLC

Carrie Hill Allen
Senior Vice President 
& Deputy General Counsel, Regulatory and Compliance Constellation Energy Generation, LLC
101 Constitution Ave., NW, Suite 400 East Washington, DC 20001
Telephone: 202-637-0344
Email:  carrie.allen@constellation.com

Mason Emnett
Senior Vice President, Public Policy
Constellation Energy Generation, LLC
101 Constitution Ave., NW, Suite 400 East Washington, DC 20001
Telephone: 202-637-0351
Email:  mason.emnett@constellation.com

Potrero Hills Energy Producers, LLC

Mark Cousino
President - Biomass Energy
414 S. Main St., Floor 5
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Email: Mark.cousino@dteenergy.com

Michael Solo Jr.
Dir-Legal General Counsel
1610 Walker Cisler Building
Detroit, MI 48226
Email: Michael.solo@dteenergy.com

Rosemary Smalls-Tilford
Manager – Regulatory Affairs
1180 Walker Cisler Building
Detroit, MI 48226
Email: Rosemary.smalls-tilford@dteenergy.com

Poverty Ridge Wind, LLC

Thomas Wind
1639 320th Street
Jamaica, Iowa 50128
Tel: 515-370-2896
Email: tomwind@netins.net

William D. Sutton
1464 190th Street
Jefferson, Iowa
Tel: 515-370-0406
Email: wdsutton@netins.net

Power Contract Financing

Deborah L. Hart
Vice President
Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc.
4th Floor – Commodites Department
2000 Westchester Avenue
Purchase, New York 10577
Telephone: 914-225-1430
Fax: 212-507-8843
Email: deborah.hart@morganstanley.com

Catherine Krupka
1275 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004-2415
Telephone: 202-383-0248
Fax: 202-637-3593
Email: catherine.krupka@sutherland.com

Ed Zabrocki
Managing Director, Legal and Compliance
Morgan Stanley
2000 Westchester Avenue
Purchase, New York 10577
Telephone: 914-225-5544
Fax: 212-507-1499
Email: ed.zabrocki@morganstanley.com

Power Contract Financing II, Inc.

Karen Kochonies
Vice President
Executive Director
Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc.
1585 Broadway, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10036
Telephone: 914-225-1587
Fax: 914-225-9327
Email: karen.kochonies@morganstanley.com

Catherine Krupka
1275 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004-2415
Telephone: 202-383-0248
Fax: 202-637-3593
Email: catherine.krupka@sutherland.com

Ed Zabrocki
Managing Director, Legal and Compliance
Morgan Stanley
2000 Westchester Avenue
Purchase, New York 10577
Telephone: 914-225-5544
Fax: 212-507-1499
Email: ed.zabrocki@morganstanley.com

Power Exchange Corporation

Kenneth Salvagno
Vice President
Power Exchange Corporation
650 Bercut Drive, Suite C
Sacramento, CA 95814
Telephone: 916-492-9468
Fax: 916-492-9175
Email: kbssac@aol.com

Power Management Co., L.L.C.

Eric J. Douthit
Vice President of Operations
Power Management Co., L.L.C.
400 Andrews Street, Suite 510
Rochester, NY 14604
Telephone: 716-325-5050
Fax: 716-325-5075
Email: edouthit@powermgt.com

Powerex Corp.

Jay Ratzlaff
Chief Legal Officer
Powerex Corp.
666 Burrard Street, Suite 1300
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6C 2X8
Telephone: 604-895-7067
Fax: 804-891-5006
Email: jay.ratzlaff@powerex.com


John W. Wilson
Post Office Box 3770
Syracuse, NY 13220
Telephone: 315-476-5331
Email: jww@powergassmart.com

PowerOne Corporation

Jeff Moses
PowerOne Corporation
3151 Airway Avenue
Suite K-203
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Telephone: 855-769-9758 ext 246
Email: j.moses@power1co.com

PPL Electric Utilities Corporation

Steven M. Nadel
Sr. Counsel
PPL Electric Utilities Corporation
2 N. 9th St., Allentown, PA 18101
Phone: 610-774-6726
Email: SMNadel@pplweb.com

Prairie Rose Transmission, LLC

Margaret M. Bateman
Associate General Counsel
Legal and Corporate Affairs
Enel Green Power North America, Inc.
100 Brickstone Square, Suite 300
Andover, MA 01810
Telephone: 978-560-7810
Fax: 978-533-1656
Email: meg.bateman@enel.com

Jose Manuel Astudillo
General Counsel
Legal and Corporate Affairs
Enel Green Power North America, Inc.
100 Brickstone Square, Suite 300
Andover, MA 01810
Telephone: 978-284-3095
Fax: 978-533-1656
Email: josemanuel.astudillo@enel.com

Prairie Queen Wind Farm LLC

Meredith Berger Chambers
General Counsel
EDP Renewables North America LLC
808 Travis Street, Suite 700
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-265-0350
Email: meredith.chambers@edpr.com

Prairie Rose Wind, LLC

Margaret M. Bateman
Associate General Counsel
Legal and Corporate Affairs
Enel Green Power North America, Inc.
100 Brickstone Square, Suite 300
Andover, MA 01810
Telephone: 978-560-7810
Fax: 978-533-1656
Email: meg.bateman@enel.com

Jose Manuel Astudillo
General Counsel
Legal and Corporate Affairs
Enel Green Power North America, Inc.
100 Brickstone Square, Suite 300
Andover, MA 01810
Telephone: 978-284-3095
Fax: 978-533-1656
Email: josemanuel.astudillo@enel.com

Prairie Wind Transmission, LLC

Heather A. Humphrey
General Counsel and Corporate Secretary
Evergy, Inc.
Post Office Box 418679
Kansas City, MO 64141-9679
Telephone: 816-556-2335
Fax: 816-556-2787
Email: heather.humphrey@evergy.com

Pretzel Solar, LLC

Jennifer A. Hein
General Counsel
Clearway Energy Group LLC
5780 Fleet Street, Suite 130
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Tel: 760-710-2187
Email: jennifer.hein@clearwayenergy.com

Gretchen Schott
Senior Regulatory Counsel
Clearway Energy Group LLC
1200 Smith Street, Suite 600
Houston, TX 77002
Tel: 346-293-7088
Email: gretchen.schott@clearwayenergy.com

Primary Power Marketing L.L.C.

Rolf D. Peterson
Primary Power Marketing, L.L.C.
Post Office Box 4216
East Lansing, MI 48826-4216
Telephone: 517-339-1748
Fax: 517-339-6744
Email: rolfmeeg@attbi.com

ProLiance Energy, LLC

Steven M. Sherman
Counsel and Assistant Secretary
ProLiance Energy, LLC
111 Monument Circle, Suite 2200
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Telephoone: 317-231-6824
Fax: 317-803-2727
Email: ssherman@proliance.com

Prophet Solar, LLC

Jennifer A. Hein
General Counsel
Clearway Energy Group LLC
5780 Fleet Street, Suite 130
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Tel: 760-710-2187
Email: jennifer.hein@clearwayenergy.com

Gretchen Schott
Senior Regulatory Counsel
Clearway Energy Group LLC
1200 Smith Street, Suite 600
Houston, TX 77002
Tel: 346-293-7088
Email: gretchen.schott@clearwayenergy.com

PS Energy Group, Inc.

Rober Murray
Chief Operating Officer
PS Energy Group, Inc.
2987 Clairmont Road, suite 450
Atlanta, GA 30329
Telephone: 404-321-5711
Fax: 404-321-3938
Email: coo@psenergy.com

Livia Whisenhunt
PS Energy Group, Inc.
2987 Calirmont Road, Suite 450
Atlanta, GA 30329
Telephone: 404-321-5711
Fax: 404-321-3938
Email: livia@fleetplus.com

PSEG Companies

Cara J. Lewis
General Federal Regulatory Counsel
Law Department
80 Park Plaza, T5
Newark, NJ 07102
Telephone: 973-430-8836
Fax: 973-430-5983
Email: cara.lewis@PSEG.com

PSEG Energy Resources & Trade LLC

Cara J. Lewis
General Federal Regulatory Counsel
Law Department
80 Park Plaza, T5
Newark, NJ 07102
Telephone: 973-430-8836
Fax: 973-430-5983
Email: cara.lewis@PSEG.com

PSEG Lawrenceburg Energy Company, LLC

Cara J. Lewis
General Federal Regulatory Counsel
Law Department
80 Park Plaza, T5
Newark, NJ 07102
Telephone: 973-430-8836
Fax: 973-430-5983
Email: cara.lewis@PSEG.com

PSEG Nuclear LLC

Cara J. Lewis
General Federal Regulatory Counsel
Law Department
80 Park Plaza, T5
Newark, NJ 07102
Telephone: 973-430-8836
Fax: 973-430-5983
Email: cara.lewis@PSEG.com

PSEG Services Corporation

Cara J. Lewis
General Federal Regulatory Counsel
Law Department
80 Park Plaza, T5
Newark, NJ 07102
Telephone: 973-430-8836
Fax: 973-430-5983
Email: cara.lewis@PSEG.com

PSEG Service Electric and Gas Company

Cara J. Lewis
General Federal Regulatory Counsel
Law Department
80 Park Plaza, T5
Newark, NJ 07102
Telephone: 973-430-8836
Fax: 973-430-5983
Email: cara.lewis@PSEG.com

PSEG Waterford Energy, LLC

Cara J. Lewis
General Federal Regulatory Counsel
Law Department
80 Park Plaza, T5
PSEG Fossil LLC Newark, NJ 07102
Telephone: 973-430-8836
Fax: 973-430-5983
Email: cara.lewis@PSEG.com

Public Power and Utility of Maryland, LLC

Jessica H. Miller
Vistra Corp.
1005 Congress Ave., Suite 750
Austin, TX
Tel: (512) 349-6402

J. Arnold Quinn
Vistra Corp.
325 7th Street, N.W., Suite 520
Washington, DC 20004
Tel: (202) 628-4524

Public Power & Utility of NY, LLC

Jessica H. Miller
Vistra Corp.
1005 Congress Ave., Suite 750
Austin, TX
Tel: (512) 349-6402

J. Arnold Quinn
Vistra Corp.
325 7th Street, N.W., Suite 520
Washington, DC 20004
Tel: (202) 628-4524

Public Power, LLC

Jessica H. Miller
Vistra Corp.
1005 Congress Ave., Suite 750
Austin, TX
Tel: (512) 349-6402

J. Arnold Quinn
Vistra Corp.
325 7th Street, N.W., Suite 520
Washington, DC 20004
Tel: (202) 628-4524

Public Service Company of Colorado

Tim Mastrogiacomo
Managing Attorney, Federal Regulatory
Xcel Energy Services Inc.
701 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Ste 250
Washington, DC 20004
Telephone: (202) 661-4481  
Email: tim.t.mastrogiacomo@xcelenergy.com

Terri Eaton
Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs
Xcel Energy Services Inc.
1800 Larimer Street
Denver, CO 80202
Telephone: 303-571-7112
Email: terri.k.eaton@xcelenergy.com

Federal Regulatory Affairs Contact
c/o Xcel Energy
414 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Email: FERCservice@xcelenery.com

Public Service Company of New Mexico

Adam J. Alvarez
Director, Regulatory Policy and Case Management
Public Service Company of New Mexico
414 Silver Ave. SW, MS 1105
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Telephone: 505-241-2849
Email: Adam.Alvarez@pnm.com


Stacey Goodwin
Associate General Counsel
PNMR Service Company
Corporate Offices – legal Dept.
414 Silver Ave. SW, MS 0805
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Telephone: 505-241-4927
Fax: 505-241-4318
Email: stacey.goodwin@pnmresources.com

Public Service Electric and Gas Company

Cara J. Lewis
General Federal Regulatory Counsel
Law Department
80 Park Plaza, T5
Newark, NJ 07102
Telephone: 973-430-8836
Fax: 973-430-5983
Email: cara.lewis@PSEG.com

Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County, Washington

William G. Dearing, P.E.
Managing Director - Power Management & Administrative Services
327 North Wenatchee Avenue
Post Office Box 1231
Wenatchee, WA 98807-1231
Telephone: 509-663-8121 ext. 4352
Fax: 509-664-2879
Email: dearing@chelanpud.org

Carol A. Wardel
General Counsel
327 North Wenatchee Avenue
Post Office Box 1231
Wenatchee, WA 98807-1231
Telephone: 509-663-8121
Fax: 509-664-2881
Email: carola@chelanpud.org

Puget Sound Power, Inc.

Tom DeBoer
Director, Federal State Affairs
Puget Sound Energy, Inc.
P.O. Box 97034
Bellevue, WA 98004-9734
Telephone: 425-454-3495
Fax: 425-462-3414
Email: tom.deboer@pse.com

Puget Sound Energy, Inc.

Lorna Luebbe
Senior Vice Prseident, General
Counsel & Chief Sustainability
Puget Sound Energy, Inc.
P.O. Box 97034
Bellevue WA 98009-9734
Tel: 425.462.3031
Email: lorna.luebbe@pse.com

Jason Kuzma
Assistant General Counsel
Puget Sound Energy, Inc.
P.O. Box 97034
Bellevue WA 98009-9734
Tel: 425.456.2090
Email: jason.kuzma@pse.com

Contact Information

This page was last updated on September 26, 2024