Webcast | Senate Energy and Natural Resources Full Committee Hearing

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman Richard Glick and his colleagues will appear before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee today to discuss the new policy statements that provide guidance for FERC’s future consideration of natural gas projects.

In addition to providing an analytical framework for many need, environmental and public interest issues that arise when companies seek to build new natural gas facilities, the updated certificate policy statement and interim greenhouse gas (GHG) policy statement  are intended to improve the legal durability of FERC’s natural gas certificate and LNG decisions following a series of court decisions raising concerns about the Commission’s prior approach.

The Chairman Glick and Commissioners James P. Danly, Allison Clements, Mark C. Christie and Willie L. Phillips will testify at the hearing at 10 a.m. ET.

Testimony of Chairman Richard Glick

Testimony of Commissioner James P. Danly

Testimony of Commissioner Allison Clements

Testimony of Commissioner Mark C. Christie

Testimony of Commissioner Willie L. Phillips


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This page was last updated on March 14, 2022