These items include major projects that add capacity. The items listed do not include abandonments, minor projects that do not include any facilities, projects under the blanket program, storage projects or LNG terminal projects that do not include pipelines. For questions contact

Docket/Workset Number Applicant Project Name State Filing Date Miles of Pipe Pipeline Capacity (MMcf/Day) Compression (HP)
CP23-00131-000  East Tennessee Natural Gas, LLC System Alignment Program NC, TN, VA 3/31/2023 22.5 0 26000
CP23-00194-000  Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, Alabama Georgia Connector Project AL, GA 4/19/2023 0 63.8 26365
CP23-00466-000  Great Basin Gas Transmission Company 2024 Expansion Project NV 5/1/2023 3.41 5.67 0
CP23-00492-000  Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC South Louisiana Project LA, MS 6/2/2023 0 100 26000
CP23-00516-000  East Tennessee Natural Gas, LLC Ridgeline Expansion Project TN 7/18/2023 122 395 14600
CP23-00523-000  ANR Pipeline Company Oak Grove Enhancement Project LA 8/1/2023 33 0 0
CP23-00535-000  WBI Energy Transmission, Inc. South Spearfish Project SD 8/28/2023 4.7 0 0
CP23-00544-000  Northern Border Pipeline Company Bison XPress Project ND 9/15/2023 0 0 67626
CP24-00001-000  Cameron Interstate Pipeline, LLC Holbrook Expansion Project LA 10/4/2023 0 1079 47350
CP24-00008-000  Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America Texas-Louisiana Expansion Project TX 10/18/2023 0 300 21540
CP24-00013-000  MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline, LLC Westbound Compression Expansion Project WY 11/2/2023 0.26 325 31800
Docket/Workset Number Applicant Project Name State Filing Date Miles of Pipe Pipeline Capacity (MMcf/Day) Compression (HP)
CP22-00493-000  Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C. Cumberland Project TN 7/22/2022 32 245.04 0
CP22-00495-000  Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, Texas to Louisiana Energy Pathway TX 8/9/2022 0 364.4 15900
CP23-00015-000  ANR Pipeline Company Wisconsin Reliability Project IL 11/14/2022 51 132 11121
CP23-00029-000  Saguaro Connector Pipeline, L.L.C. Saguaro Connector Pipeline Project TX 12/20/2022 0.19 2834 0
Docket/Workset Number Applicant Project Name State Filing Date Miles of Pipe Pipeline Capacity (MMcf/Day) Compression (HP)
CP22-00022-000  Venture Global CP Express LLC            ; Venture Global CP2 LNG, LLC CP Express LA, TX 12/3/2021 91.4 4400 187000

This page was last updated on November 30, 2023