ISO-NE Website

 Map of ISO-NE

As the RTO for New England, ISO-NE is responsible for operating wholesale power markets that trade electricity, capacity, transmission congestion contracts and related products, in addition to administering auctions for the sale of capacity. ISO-NE operates New England’s high-voltage transmission network and performs long-term planning for the New England system. ISO-NE serves six New England states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. New England’s all-time peak load was 28 GW in summer 2006. ISO-NE is interconnected with the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), TransEnergie (Québec) and the New Brunswick System Operator. ISO-NE imports around 17 percent of its annual energy needs from Québec, NYISO, and New Brunswick. In ISO-NE’s annual Forward Capacity Auction (FCA), both generator and demand resources offer capacity three years in advance of the period for which capacity will be supplied. The three-year lead time is intended to encourage participation by new resources and allow the market to adapt to resources leaving the market. ISO-NE relies primarily on natural gas-fired and nuclear generation, accounting for 49% and 31% of the systems supply in 2016, respectively.

List of Orders

Click on the categories below to view additional information.

Docket No. Date Issued Company Title



ISO New England Inc.

Order on Compliance Filing

Docket No. Date Issued Company Title
ER23-739-000 10/19/23 ISO New England Inc. Order Accepting Tariff Revisions
EL22-63-000 09/21/23 ISO New England Inc. Order on Show Cause Proceeding
EL23-89-000 09/21/23 Brookfield Renewable Trading and Marketing LP v. ISO New England Inc.  Order Granting Complaint
ER22-2467-000 06/15/23 ISO New England Inc. Order on Compliance Filing
ER22-2357-000 06/15/23 ISO New England Inc. Order on Compliance Filing
EL22-42-000 02/16/23 RENEW Northeast, Inc. and the American Clean Power Association v. ISO New England Inc. Order Dismissing Complaint
Docket No. Date Issued Company Title
EL22-31-000 07/28/22 Northern Maine Independent System Administrator, Inc. v. ISO New England Participating Transmission Owners Administrative Committee Order on Complaint
ER22-707-001 06/16/22 ISO New England Inc. New England Power Company d/b/a National Grid Order Addressing Arguments Raised on Rehearing
Docket No. Date Issued Company Title
ER21-787-003 09/23/21 ISO New England Inc. Rehearing Work  Order Addressing Arguments Raised on Rehearing
ER18-619-002 02/18/21 ISO New England Inc. Order Rejecting Rehearing Request
Docket No. Date Issued Company Title
ER18-619-001 11/19/20 ISO New England Inc. Order Addressing Arguments Raised on Rehearing
ER20-739-002 09/17/2020 ISO New England Inc. Order Addressing Arguments Raised on Rehearing
ER19-1428-003 06/18/20 ISO New England Inc. Order Accepting Tariff Revisions
EL19-90-000 06/18/20 ISO New England Inc. Order on Section 206 Investigation 
ER19-470-003  04/16/20 ISO New England Inc. Order on Rehearing
ER19-1952-000  03/19/20 ISO New England Inc. Order Accepting Tariff Revisions
ER19-1951-000  03/19/20 ISO New England Inc. and Participating Transmission Owners Administrative Committee Order on Compliance
ER20-308-000  02/20/20 ISO New England Inc. Order Accepting Informational Filing
Docket No. Date Issued Company Title
ER19-470-000  11/21/19 ISO New England Inc. Order on Compliance Filing
EL19-90-000  10/17/19 ISO New England Inc. Order Instituting Section 206 Proceeding
Docket No. Date Issued Company Title
ER19-169-000  12/20/18 ISO New England, Inc. Order Accepting Tariff Revisions
ER14-1409-000  09/20/18 ISO New England Inc. Order Dismissing Amended Protest
EL16-120-002  09/20/18 New England Power Generators Association, Inc.
ISO New England Inc.
Order Denying Motion for Clarification and Accepting Compliance Filing
ER18-619-000  03/09/18 ISO New England Inc. Order on Tariff Filing
Docket No. Date Issued Company Title
ER17-2110-000  10/19/17 ISO New England Inc. Order Accepting Filing and Granting Waiver
EL16-120-000  01/19/17 New England Power Generators Association, Inc.


ISO New England Inc.
Order Granting Complaint In Part and Setting Complaint for Hearing and Settlement Judge Procedures In Part
ER16-1904-001  01/19/17 ISO New England Inc. Order Denying Rehearing
Docket No. Date Issued Company Title
EL16-38-001  10/20/16 Dominion Energy Marketing, Inc.
Dominion Energy Manchester Street, Inc.


ISO New England Inc.
Order Denying Rehearing
ER16-1041-000  06/16/16 ISO New England Inc. Order Accepting Forward Capacity Auction Results Filing
EL16-48-000 06/16/16 NextEra Energy Power Marketing, LLC and Northeast Energy Associates, a Limited Partnership


ISO New England Inc.
Order On Complaint
ER08-633-003  05/19/16 ISO New England Inc. Order Directing Resettlements
Docket No. Date Issued Company Title
EL14-23-000  11/19/15 ISO New England Inc. Order On Compliance Filing
EL15-25-001  11/19/15 New England Power Generators Association, Inc.


ISO New England Inc.
Order Denying Rehearing
ER14-2419-003 and EL14-52-002  11/19/15 ISO New England Inc. Order Denying Rehearing
ER14-1050-002 and EL14-52-001  11/19/15 ISO New England Inc.

New England Power Pool
Order Denying Rehearing
EL15-57-000  07/16/15 GenOn Energy Management, LLC                   Order Denying Complaint
ER15-1137-000  06/18/15 ISO New England Inc. Order Accepting Forward Capacity Auction Results Filing


This page was last updated on July 25, 2024