Current known issues related to the eForms Refresh. To report an issue please contact the eForms Refresh Technical Inquiries

Number Issues Status


The eForms portal is displaying the original company name assigned to the CID, not the most recent company name.


Company names will be updated upon filers logging into the eForms portal


The instructions on the rendered form pages are not current.

Partially Resoled.

Many instructions were updated, but some issues still remain. As they are identified they will be added to this list.


Due to a technical issue in the filing system, FERC Form Nos. 1, 1-F, 2, 2-A, 6, & 60 filers who have waivers or regulatory exemptions from filing a full form are currently unable to file only select pages of the forms. 


Please see the February 17, 2022 entry on for instructions

4 Forms 1 & 1-F, Schedules 419 & 414

Form 1, Schedule 419 “ENERGY STORAGE OPERATIONS (Small Plants)” was inadvertently excluded from the FERC Form 1 taxonomy, we are working on an updated taxonomy that will be released for a future annual filing that includes both 414 and 419.

Form 1-F, Schedule 414 “ENERGY STORAGE OPERATIONS (Large Plants) was inadvertently excluded from the FERC Form 1-F taxonomy, we are working on an updated taxonomy that will be released for a future annual filing that includes both 414 and 419

For the 2021 Annual Filing, please report the information in the Notes to Financial Statements as was done in Visual FoxPro, and report the total of Small and Large Plants as PowerPurchasedForStorageOperations on the Electric Operations and Maintenance Expenses.

5 Form 2, Page 304

Please do not include any TOTAL line in the table, there is an issue with the taxonomy on this page that won’t be corrected until after this filing period’s deadline.

Instead, to satisfy this instruction:

Report revenues and Dth of gas delivered by Zone of Delivery by Rate Schedule. Total by Zone of Delivery and for all zones. If respondent does not have separate zones, provide totals by rate schedule.

Please include a footnote with the required totals.
6 Form 1, Page 108 The language for Instruction #12 at the top of the schedule does not match the language that appears attached to the individual #12 label. Please disregard the incorrect language that appears for the individual #12 label and respond to the Instruction #12 as printed at the top of the page. There has been no change to the instructions on this page, this mismatch is an oversight that will be corrected with the next taxonomy release.
7 Form 1, Page 426: Substation Mix Transmission & Distribution

Substations have been reported on Form 1, Page 426 as both Transmission & Distribution in previous filings. However, the original Form 1 instructions state the following:

Indicate in column (b) the functional character of each substation, designating whether transmission or distribution

For the Annual 2021 filing, please fill out schedule 426 to pass the current validations. If you would like to report values that are not accepted under the current validation and taxonomy structure, please include them in a footnote. We will evaluate if changes are needed in a future release of the taxonomy and provide guidance.
8 Form 2, Page 350

Certain validation and taxonomy rules prevent filers from filling out the form as they have done in the past. For the Annual 2021 filing, please fill out schedule 350 to pass the current validations. If you would like to report values that are not accepted under the current validation and taxonomy structure, please include them in a footnote. We will evaluate if changes are needed in a future release of the taxonomy and provide guidance.

9 Form 2, Page 262

Certain validation and taxonomy rules prevent filers from filling out the form as they have done in the past. For the Annual 2021 filing, please fill out schedule 262 to pass the current validations. If you would like to report values that are not accepted under the current validation and taxonomy structure, please include them in a footnote. We will evaluate if changes are needed in a future release of the taxonomy and provide guidance.

10 Missing Migrated Files Some filers do not see their full set of migrated filings. Staff is working on filling in the missing files and reassigning the incorrectly assigned files to their correct CIDs.
11 File attachments for organization charts are not working in Form 60, Schedule XX

Resolved.  Files submitted using the using the OrganizationChart element now trigger the eForms “Additional Files” window for an attachment to be uploaded with the submission.

Please report your organization chart in HTML in the DisclosureOfReferencesToFinancialStatementNotesTextBlock element or upload it as an image using that element. This will be resolved in a future update to allow file attachments on the OrganizationChart element.


Contact Information

This page was last updated on December 21, 2023